Had trouble getting started with Simplicity Studio on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
- Installed JLinkCommander. Bit confusing the command is JLinkExe. Then ran:
> connect
> ?
I then chose “EFR32BG22CXXXF512”
and chose “S) SWD”
and speed “4000”
it seemed to work! - Simplicity cannot connect to J-Link via USB. I got the error “Launching myProject’ has encountered a problem. Could not determine GDB version after sending: arm-none-eabi-gdb –version, response”. Useful tip from here:
– To run arm-none-eabi-gdb I found it in SimplicityStudio_v5/developer/toolchains/gnu_arm/10.3_2021.10/bin.
– Had the problem described in the link above, but found I just needed to install libncurses5 with: sudo apt-get install libncurses5.
Not the most exciting post! But a useful note to myself 😀